Ethical Management

As a trusted global aerospace company,
KAI is fulfilling our social role and responsibility.

Fair Trade Compliance

CEO’s message on Fair Trade Compliance Program(CP)

In recent years demands for company’s transparency is
rapidly increasing and KAI, as the leading defense company,
values fair trade with partners, subsidiaries, and 3rd parties
for they are crucial for supplying and manufacturing
high-quality products.

Fair Trade is one of the most fundamental values
that upholds the growth of the global economy
and KAI is the forefront company in implementing
the fair trade compliance program(CP).

KAI’s CP is autonomous system that identifies compliance
risks beforehand and prevent violations of fair trade laws
and statues.

KAI appoints the Chief of Compliance Program
and assembles Compliance Program Council to raise
awareness of the Board of Directors and employees
to internalize corporate compliance.
KAI aims to create a trusting culture that can manifest
a transparent process with all of our partners, subsidiaries,
and 3rd parties.

Our employees and I, as the CEO of KAI, firmly believe fair
trade to be an obligation and willing to take responsibility
in developing the meaningful compliance culture.

Thank you.


ceo ahn hyun-ho