Ethical Management

As a trusted global aerospace company,
KAI is fulfilling our social role and responsibility.

Fair Trade Compliance

CEO’s message on Fair Trade Compliance Program(CP)

Recently there is a strong trend to create a transparent society
worldwide. This trend is led by a fair trade policy, labor rights,
and eradication of inequality.

Following the trend, global companies are striving to
implement a culture of integrity, anti-corruption and fair
trade. In Korea, KAI is taking the lead in fair trade by
introducing and developing Compliance Program(“CP”) of
the Fair Trade Commission.

CP is an internal compliance system and code of conduct
operated by the company, which not only prevents the
violation of fair trade laws but also operates autonomously
for risk management.

KAI appoints the Head of the Business Ethics Department
(Executive Vice President) as a Compliance Program manager,
who operates the CP council. Through CP council, KAI raises
the awareness of ethical standards for executives and
employees and fosters a win-win cooperation culture with
the partners.

Compliance Program is not an option, but an obligation
and responsibility. KAI promise to thoroughly comply with and
operate fair trade related laws for the culture of integrity.

ceo ahn hyun-ho