Health and Safety

KAI is committed to establishing a safe and productive corporate
culture based on the International Occupational Health and
Safety management system (ISO45001)

Health and Safety activity

KAI strives to spread KAI's unique health and safety culture through participatory programs to raise employees' awareness and interest in healthy and safety and continuously listens to employees' opinions through the Occupational Health and Safety Committee,management supervisor meetings, and nearmiss detection to improve risk factors.

In particular, in 2023, KAI aimed to create a healthy workplace through various health promotion programs:
the 3050 Hypertension and Diabetes Campaign in collaboration with local health centers and universities,
the Nutrition Management Program by providing low-salt wellness diets, and the "Health Up! Belly Fat Down!" campaign, which encourages employees to take care of their health through campaigns tailored to their needs.

Health and Safety activity